Originally Posted by WetWired
What settings are you using? There are many settings that will increase your load, especially "activity today" settings.
Have you tried enabling the mod at a low activity time and seeing how it reacts when activity rises? (because if you have a lot of users, activity must be calculated as posts are viewed authored by users whose activity hasn't been calculated yet for the day; you can "schedule" this load increase to happen when load in general is low) If this is effective, you can set the "midnight offset" setting to keep this schedule. (changing the setting, however, invalidates all activity calculated to that point since the setting effects the calculation)
A load average of 5.00 indicates 100% utilization (for a 1 to 5 core server), so 55% would be a load decrease...
When you say the old version for the older vbulletin, you are refering to vB3.0 or vB3.5?
weeks reflected: 6
vistit weight 2.0
counted posts per day. 4
Find today's activity for all users
If enabled, then the activity today information is queried for each post; this requires an additional query per user per thread.
If disabled, then the activity today information is only queried for the logged-in user.
Find today's activity for member profile
If enabled, then the activity today information is queried for member profiles. This adds a query to the member profile page.
Find today's activity for logged-in user
If enabled, find the logged in user's activity today on each pageload. Adds an extra query to each page load for logged-in users. Note that this information is not included in the default template modifications.
Show activity breakdown in tooltip
If yes, will show visit% and post% in the activity bar tooltip
Use text-only stat block
If set to yes, will display activity, longevity, and activity today as text instead of using images. When this is set to yes, you do not need to upload the images directory or add the style-specific CSS.
Automatic postbit alteration
Whether or not template hooks are used to alter the postbit. Choosing "Alternate location" uses JS to move the stat block from the template hook location -- into a separate column on the horizontal postbit, or right under the avatar on the vertical postbit. If your postbit templates are siginificantly modified, "Alternate location" may not work well and you should set this to "None" and add the changes manually.
Remove postbit text postcount
Use JS to remove the div containing the text postcount, since the images version repeats it. Ignored if postbit alteration is "None"
Remove postbit text joindate
Use JS to remove the div containing the join date, since longevity is the same information displayed a different way. Ignored if postbit alteration is "None"
User profile page statistics
Choose where to display a user's activity information in their profile page
Enable Top Activity page
Top Activity detects ties
Display countdown to 100%