German Language Fix
In addition to the
Turkish Language Fix (thanks to this one buddy!) comes the
German Language Fix and further explanations to get this superb add-on to work with almost any language:
- On your server open and search for the following code lines:
PHP Code:
$att->clean['statusupdate']=wordwrap($att->clean['statusupdate'], $vbulletin->options['vbstatus_wordwrap'], "\n", true);
- After that code lines add the following magic code line:
PHP Code:
$att->clean['statusupdate'] = iconv("utf-8", "iso-8859-1", $att->clean['statusupdate']);
Multilanguage Fix
In order to get other languages to work with this add-on you only have to alter the ISO code in the mentioned php code fix.
$att->clean['statusupdate'] = iconv("utf-8", "iso-8859-1", $att->clean['statusupdate']);
Refer to this Wikipedia article to get the desired
ISO reference number and change the ISO code (marked in orange):
- iso-8859-1 = Latin/West-European
- ...-5 = Latin/Cyrillic
- ...-6 = Latin/Arabic
Usually you only have to change the last diggit(s).