Most of the content on this site is provided by the members,
Not Jelsoft. That will be one of the reasons why jelsoft won't be supplying this forum with annoying ads to the hilt, thus making money off of a site, the members built the submissions they post that makes this forum worth visiting.
You may look at the site as a money making engine, and feel that jelsoft and the powers that be deserve some comission off the backbone of the members work but that's all they do is run the site nothing more, nothing less. It's the members that provide the content.
Same rule goes for the staff, and like you said, they are just that. volounteers. They joined with the intent of running and maintaining this site, not rewarding them for something they actually volounteered to do and that myself and many others do every day.
If anyone needs rewarding it will be the memberbase not the volounteers that are expected to do the task(s) that they were recruited to do.
Anyway, ads are nothing but a nuisance. It wouldn't go down well with the majority of contributors.