Just an update... We've been working on the next version of SmnLikQuick... Testing now and hopefully it will be released in the next few days (if all goes well). I'm very hopeful that the changes will be a turning point and eliminate most if not all of the issues present. I thank you all for your patience, understanding, and support. Just wanted to give an update =0)
On the page you have SmnLikQuick, can you view the source and confirm that the .css and .js are present. Also, I'm assuming that you have already created active announcements in ACP (if you already said that I apologize, its late and I'm so tired hehe)..
Thanks for the alert and I am aware of those issues (its irritating the crud out of me on my own boards also grrr)... I'll have that fixed with the next release if it kills me... well I shouldn't go that far but its a priority none-the-less hehe.
Hope everyone is having an awesome night!
Always, Bree
UPDATE: I can re-create the mysterious white-box syndrome... It shows up when I have the mod enabled but no active announcements. Quick-fix (if you are experiences the problem for the same reason), is to create & enable one or more announcement(s) OR disable the mod. Please let me know if that fixes the problem?