Originally Posted by beejeebers
Where are the thank you stats accessed? (if that function exists)
I'm running a thank you contest and want to show the top people being thanked...
Go into AdminCP>Vbulletin Options>Cyb Forum Statistics
Now goto
Status Management 1st Row or
2nd Row and click so it shows Top Thanked
Originally Posted by mmurtha
Hi everyone,
If I wanted to change the "Thanks" to something else, what phases would I enter in the search Phrases section to change these stats where the user info is in each post?
Thanks: 0
Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
Also, is there anything else I need to change besides the button?
Pin intended.
Open your XML document in an editor program and look around line 341 you should see phrasename.
Now you need to change all occurrences of "Thanked" and "thanks" to whatever you need to change it to.
There are quite a few of them. Be very careful you dont change any of these : post_thanks_thanked_posts as this will make the code stop working.
Re-Install your XML and overwrite.
Any problems PM me and i'll see if i can help you out.