our biggest user of DownloadsII is now getting an error when trying to upload a file to the server: "Maximum Upload limit would be Exceeded by this file. Try a smaller file.".
1) My own account is in the same group and I'm not having any issues
2) I tried moving his account to another group, still the same thing
3) He's been having this problem for about a week
4) The file he was trying to upload is 86 MB, so I tried a 20 MB file and that worked... so I tried another file of 15 MB, and he got the same error... I deleted the 20 MB file and re-added it and it worked.
5) So far, not including the 20 MB file from point #4, he has downloaded 256 MB of files (8 files)
6) If he uploads his file into another DownloadsII category, it works.
Any ideas where this limitations comes from and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance