Hi all,
I am trying to rotate pictures in a photo album (vb's default album system; pictures stored in the filesystem with no direct access to thumbnails).
So a simple imagerotate() using the GD library seems to work, but it looks like it is corrupting some of the file.
function rotateImage($img, $path, $degrees, $pictureid)
// Open the original image
$original = imagecreatefromjpeg("$path/$img");
// Rotate the image
$rotate = imagerotate($original, $degrees, 0);
// Re-save the image; overwrite the original
imagejpeg($rotate, "$path/$img", 100);
// Clean up
return true;
[see images attachmented to this post for reference]
When I rebuild thumbnails, I get the correct image displaying.
However, on the single pictureview, the image is corrupted.
There is nothing in the template limiting the displayarea, btw. The gold box surrounding the photo is the amount of space the <img> has to play in.
Anybody got any ideas? Suggestions? Starting points for me to troubleshoot this?
I'm all out of ideas (been through the album picture data manager, class_image, and functions_album but no lead on what's going on).