I use BBEdit to search all files in a folder. That is for a Mac. I've sure there are similar applications for the PC.
And what I was talking about was finding the query so you can figure out what is happening when it's called. You would search for part of the query like "IF(visible = 2, 1, 0) AS isdeleted" (I think that one is from functions.php getting threadinfo). But, as I said, I don't think that will help because those are the queries having problems *because* the table is locked. You need to find out *why* the table is locked and whatever is doing that is doing it right before those queries. So, you should see if you can get the times of the problem queries and see if it is always happening at the same time and then figure out what is going on on your forum at those times.
As for /transparent, I would guess it is a modification causing that problem because it isn't a default vbulletin thing. So, you need to look through your plugins for that one (although I think I've seen it mentioned before, so perhaps a search here and reading a few threads will tell you what modification it is).