Step 5: Adding Tabs & Modules
Now that you have completed the file uploads, template edits, and product import, you are ready to add tabs and modules.
Adding A Tab
To add a tab, refresh your ACP and you should see a "Tabs" group in your ACP. Expand this group and click on "Manage Tabs. Click on "[Add Tab]", and fill out the form.
The "Tab Name" is what will be displayed within the tab. "Forums" is the forums you want displayed in the tab. Separate items using a comma (",") and no spaces! "Limit tabs to..." is the usergroup permission set up, usage is explained on the form. "Cache Data" tells YUI if it should fetch the data once and cache it so it doesn't reload the data every time a user clicks on the tab.
Clicking "Add Tab" will add the tab to your forum home listing.
Adding a Module
To add a module you click on the "Manage Modules" link in the "Tabs" group. Click on the "Add Module" and fill out the form, it is basically the same as tabs except for the fact that you must specify a file name. The "Enable Module" option will specify whether or not you want the module to display. Disabled modules are not deleted, they just will not show on the forum home with the rest of your tabs.