That's my first and last reply to this modification.
Originally Posted by Lynne
... Some of you need to practice the saying "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."
Lynne: that's often called "lie" in my dictionary.
In other words: You should give the children opportunity to learn from her/his mistakes instead of lying to them: how wonderful is everything...good girl/boy...and later they realize the world often not as nice or my parents lied to me.
Originally Posted by bashy
You still dont have to slate the coder, he dont have to release his work here for FREE
If you dont want to use the mod then you have no reason to post in this thread, more
so slating other peoples work regardless of the title also it aint too clever questioning
the moderators work, come on, your eher cause you own a forum, so you know how it
At the end of the day, the member released some code and named it what he thought
appropriate, if you dont like why did you have to post in this thread, was it just to put
another member down?
Saying what you think is not always rude, but when its putting another member and or
their work down then that is rude and not called for...
Naming this template modification as "Amazing Postbit!!" is a bit of stretch (free or not). And I have no intention to "put another member down" that's just mine PERSONAL OPINION others may think otherwise...