Originally Posted by NorCal
this is very kewl. One thing I notice is that when I post a URL using youtube no problem but post a Google video of the same exact video the Google Video player displays but is not playable. I tried this on FF on Mac and IE on PC same results.
The Google definition is for Google Videos only, so it won't convert videos Google has dragged in or harvested from another video site, like say YouTube or MetaCafe. You would have to use the actually YouTube or MetaCafe link for that.
Originally Posted by Roi Danton
This hint should be added to the main plugin page. 
It is, actually, part of the 2.5 new features list
2.5 is a pretty major upgrade from the 2.0 series and adds the following functionality to 2.0:- New in Beta 3 - Validation ability. This will help prevent media being embedded that can not be embedded (i.e. youtube videos that the author has stipulated can not be shown off of youtube). This option requires the extraction option to be turned on and a valid validation regexp. I have included one in the default youtube version. When a video on you tube gets embedded, but the author doesnt allow embedding, a link (with icon) is shown instead.