Hi The Geek,
thanks a lot for this fantastic mod (AME 2.5 RC1).
It seems that there's a problem if the vB forum has the UTF8 charset.
take this vid (french video, with accents in the title):
if you put it on an UTF8 forum AME gives you :
[ame="http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=TjlMa14-WfQ&feature=related"]YouTube - Soci
in the post.
or this one :
gives you :
[ame="http://www.dailymotion.com/ti-dav/video/x64vls_renaud-o-cest-que-jai-mis-mon-fling_music"]Dailymotion - Renaud- O
i've found a workaround, in the file ame_bbcode.php :
you got :
PHP Code:
function ame_fetch_www_title(&$content)
if(preg_match("|<[\s]*title[\s]*>([^<]+)<[\s]*/[\s]*title[\s]*>|Ui", $content, $match))
$title = trim(str_replace(array("\t","\n"), "", $match[1]));
$title = unhtmlspecialchars(utf8_decode($title), true);
return $title;
return false;
The utf8_decode seems to be the problem, if your forum has the UTF8 charset you don't have to convert the title in ISO ...
My workaround :
PHP Code:
function ame_fetch_www_title(&$content)
global $vbulletin;
if(preg_match("|<[\s]*title[\s]*>([^<]+)<[\s]*/[\s]*title[\s]*>|Ui", $content, $match))
$title = trim(str_replace(array("\t","\n"), "", $match[1]));
if ( strtolower($vbulletin->config['Mysqli']['charset'] )!= 'utf8')
$title = utf8_decode($title);
$title = unhtmlspecialchars($title, true);
return $title;
return false;
Not sure it's a clean code but works for me.
Now every videos work on my UTF8 forum !