Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
Still waiting to here back from Divx they have sent me the link to the webmaster kit which i can email any coder which wants to take a look, its too big to upload here. file, still its been a struggle to get the embedded code right for Vbulletin.
Perhaps a more experianced coder could look at the scripts, Divx would be a great asset to have on your boards and were 99.9% there, Just wondering if it could be a codec problem?
Well I did.... codec smodec lol... basically if you google and research you'll see this has been a consistent problem since they the last version release of the web player. How it worked on your board is ??? I see the demo screenshots in your admin panel which are just like mine BUT I would like to see an actual working version w/ URL link in it to because this makes no sense that it works on yours and not on ours...
UNLESS it's the output format of the divx itself?? Hmmm..... Divx Ultra NTSC (NA etc) or Divx Ultra PAL (Europe etc)....