I was told by my host that my site has been comprismised.
That my site was extremely going overload on my shared server usage.
My awstats began to run all crazy.
My host said this:
Most of your .htaccess files contain 'ErrorDocument 404 //forums/67370.php'. This indicates that your site has been compromised and there are backdoors left.
My site was running on 3.73... did this have to do anything with a big vulnerability with my website?
My host gave me these two options....
1. Cleaning all of the suspicious code in your files. The price is $50 one time. This is a partial solution which does not prevent your site from being hacked again. If this is your choice, please follow this link .
2. Cleaning all of your files, updating your outdated applications and securing additionally your site. The price is $150 and gives maximum protection to your site. If this is your choice, please follow this link .
I'm unsure what I should do. I can just hire the 50$ solution, change all my passwords, and update vbulletin, or should i spend the extra 100$.... But their service for that seems rather vague. Has anyone run into hacking? How should i deal with it. Any tips will be great!