//What should vbMailer use to send out emails?
//mail, sendmail or smtp (CASE SENSITIVE!)
//If you supply smtp, please supply the information below
//If you supply sendmail, please supply your sendmail path below
$vbmailer['mailwith'] = "smtp"; //Send emails with
$vbmailer['smtphost'] = "mail.windowsfiji.com"; //SMTP Host
$vbmailer['smtpuser'] = "hacks@windowsfiji.com"; //SMTP Username
$vbmailer['smtppass'] = "hackerpass"; //SMTP Password
$vbmailer['sendmailpath'] = ""; //Sendmail path
What am I supposed to do in here and where do I gain the info to enter into it, Please?
I too am getting the same as that, posted in post number: