Originally Posted by cykelmyggen
I have a suspicion this doesn't work with the vBExperience mod. Havent been able to make it show anywhere in postbit or elsewhere...  Checked all the image paths and settings with no luck so far.
I haven't installed vBExperience so I cannot say for sure how that mod changes the architecture and the look of a forum ... but a quick look at vBExperience features list and screenshots showed me that that mod latches onto the username display in postbits like Gender Bit does, so my theory is that vBExperience simply overwrites the changes that Gender Bit does on the username display.
Can you please try out these steps to confirm my theory:
1. in Gender Bit Options, set Image Set = "Text/Font" and enable the location "Who's Online" for gender symbols.
2. Now look into your Who's Online list (WOL) and see if the gender symbols are there (next to Last Activity). If they aren't there then you simply misconfigured the first three settings in Gender Bit Options. Post a screenshot of them here so that I can point out what's wrong.
3. If the gender symbols appear, change Image Set to something other than Text/Font and refresh WOL. If now the symbols disappear, that would mean you uploaded the images to wrong location (or if you changed Image folder Option to $stylevar['imgdir_misc'])
4. If gender symbols still appear in WOL, then it's 50% confirmed vBExperience has something in this. Go back to Gender Bit Options and set Gender Symbols Position In postbit_legacy = "Before the online/offline icon". Open a showthread page with postbits from members that already selected a gender, and see if gender symbols appear in that postbits before online/offline icon. If it appears, 100% confirmed vBExperience overwrites the gender symbols that Gender Bit injected into username displays.
5. Either stick to showing gender symbols before online/offline icon, or try and ask vBExperience to not overwrite other mods' changes