Originally Posted by aproape
Hi there everyone,
Just noticed this thread and wanted to add 1.2 cents of my advice:
1. Look at the profile of the user who is posting/replying. The number of posts he or she has - especially if high - should tell that this person has quite a bit of experience under his belt.. [again, at a quick glance before going into details]
This is not an accurate way to judge experience - number of posts mean absolutely nothing. I recently can to VB after years of experience in coding with both the SMF and Joomla products. There is no way to judge that by simply looking at a post count.
Originally Posted by aproape
2. Phrasing/etc - ok - it can be a delicate issue BUT - point taken - look at the positives - always.. not everyone here speaks English as their native language nor they might have the time or mood to prepare the answer nicely.. especially in a topic like this which has been covered so many times before [see 3.]
Perhaps the OP's native language isn't English - just means we can all be more careful in our phrasing. "You're doing it wrong" is most like offensive in any language. There are just better ways to say things; that was my original point.
Originally Posted by aproape
3. As an add-on coder/designer - I believe ANY suggestion is welcome and can be a [new?] source of learning / approaching on things.
Questions, suggestions; of course but why not have a little tact? Perhaps the OP was posting their first Mod ..... wouldn't a more experienced coder/designer attempt to be encouraging instead of "slamming" by saying "you're doing it wrong?'
Originally Posted by aproape
Nothing wrong with someone better to show a simpler way - that's how we achieve better / more optimized code in the end : )
I totally agree - it's just the delivery I had issue with - that's all.
Originally Posted by aproape
I wouldn't feel embarrassed at all - I'd probably offer FRDS a beer or two - but that's me ; )
I say Bravo but when it became obvious that the OP WAS embarrassed perhaps a simple "sorry, I didn't mean it in that way" could have neutralized the situation instead of "Whats wrong if someone manage something easier then u did?

Again, it's just a matter of delivery and courtesy - treating others as we would like to be treated.
just my .02 cents