Hi Guys,
Normally i don't push the boat out and give praise where its due, but i feel i must say something about this great forum.
Last night whilst i was playing with google i came accross a site with quite a few scripts and one i saw as the falling snow script, i installed it on my forum and it looks great, so i thought i'd post it and the link in the programming forums for all to share, This morning i got up for work and found that Roms had added it to the mods (template edits 3.8

) forum. This was definately the best place for it and what a nice suprise to see it there. Thank you Roms.
I've been a member here since september and i'm really glad i signed up, this forum beats any other for friendliness, helpfulness and everyone is really super
I've made loads of friends since i've been a member, the staff, are all just out of this world, just don't know how they manage to find the time to keep all us under control, especially Lynne, what she don't know about VBulletin isn't worth mentioning, she's a human computer and a great asset to this site as are all the other guys.
So thanks a bunch guys and keep up the great work :up::up: