Originally Posted by shlomot
Will you be kind and add UPGRADE instructions to your MOD?
The upgrade procedure is the same as most other mods you found here: upload the files, import the product xml (make sure the "override" checkbox is ticked) and check the new settings. Shouldn't be too hard.
Originally Posted by shlomot
Also, version 1.0.2 worked flawlessly in vb3.8 beta 3. Would you like me to test the new version on beta 4 and post the results here?
Sure, thanks. I have not installed vB 3.8.x beta on my forum so I only tested it on vb 3.7.4. The new version has a lot more plugins than before maybe one or two plugins do not work in vb 3.8.x if the hook locations changed. Thanks again for your support.
p/s: hope the separation between gender symbols portion and default avatars/pics portion does not bother you much. as you would notice if you install both Gender Bit and the Extension products, the number of plugins doubles with both products are installed compared to Gender Bit only. By separating them, those who are not interested with the default avatars will not have to have the unutilized plugins, which do affect performance in the long run.