The Plug In looks for a non-empty Site ID to determine if it is "active". To make the plug in work and have the additional items show up, install the plug in as directed, then put some random number in the SiteID and remove the following line from product-woopra_stats.xml file :
woopra_id = '$woopra_site_id';
Also, the plug-in looks for the "home" url and on my system that is the root URL and not hte subdirectory that the forum is located in, so I made this one change.
If you already installed it and the avatars are not showing up, in the Plug-In section of vBulletin, "Header: Add Woopra Javascript", edit "parse_templates" and add "forum" or the subdirectory your forum is in before /image.php as seen below.
PHP Code:
$woopra_avatar_url = $woopra_homeurl . "forum/image.php?u=" . $vbulletin->userinfo['userid'];
You could have also made the change in the xml file ahead of time, but I didn't test this.
Yeah, there might be a better way to do it, but that seems to work for me on this revision. You will see in the javascript that there is other parameters being passed and those are the ones that make it so you can see the avatar and other info in your stats.
I am looking forward to another revision of the plug in.