Just my two cents for what it isn't worth
My experience with vb.com forum was terrible. Very nasty people. Heaven forbid you have a legit complaint and post it online there, even in the most courteous of ways. The vb regulars (vampires) will suck the life out of you with nasty returns. It got to the point where I wanted to ask some of them if they had a life outsite of VB. LOL Of course, I re-read my post many times and couldn't comprehend this vial nonsense so I thought maybe it was me. I asked about ten people, one of who is the owner of one of the largest VB skin sites out there and he said he rarely goes there anymore because of this same problem. So maybe people are just tired of the nonsense over there? I don't know?
To be quite honest and please be nice. I think vb's forum is too big and they have lost control of it to some extent.
I haven't found this same problem here though, even with the large amount of traffic. Most that I've dealth with seem quite civil, even in the lounge and talking politics. LOL
Have a Thanksgiving everyone.
Originally Posted by Dream
Well, I also saw a decrease in active members on vb.com forum this year comparing with last year, or something, can't say exactly when, but traffic there got lower, anyone notice that? Not saying vbulletin is doomed or anything silly like that, I'm just curious with that fact, and curious if it's just me seeing things or it really did happen.