Originally Posted by Tauhid
Hello guys,
Firstly, I have been lurking around vbulletin.org and also vbulletin.com to find the Birthday greeting modification which sends an e-mail to the users who has a birthday today. So far, no luck. I found one by CyB i guess, but its a thread opening modification. Please let me know if this is already built in VB or is there any mods. My forum is VB 3.7.4 and I need this mod really badly.
I'm almost certain that this is a default option within vBulletin.
Originally Posted by Tauhid
Secondly, I wanted to know whether its posible to get my members to enter their birthday if they haven't done so from before. I remember in a website (theadminzone.com), it made its members enter certain profile fields once it detected that he/she hadn't filled that up. I want the birth date to be filled if a member hasn't done so already.
If you enable to COPPA System, users are required to enter their birthday prior to registering for the forums.
You can also require birthdays upon registration by vBulletin Options -> User Profile Options -> Require Date of Birth. This will also force users to enter a valid birthdate when editing their profile with an empty birthdate.
EDIT: Doh! ReCom beat me to it :P