oh ok so as long as i have this DJ's AME 2.5, i dont need to worry about the rest?

and i understand that it is upto geek to notify and that is ok, but i had your other i mean previous addon and didnt know about this latest development

. so i was actually suggesting that instead of making new thread, why not to update it in the same thread? in that way, whosoever has clicked install would get the notification. but it is just a humble suggestion
and one question: when i imported the master xml file, it as usual, asked to check and confirm the different definitions. i noticed that some of them were not checked yes in wrapping instance and some were not checked yes in activity context. i didnt touch it since i didnt know what i am doing, so i imported it as it is. should i be now manually changing them? or can u tell why some were not selected during import? i just want to know if it is a system glitch or something else.