Originally Posted by Phalynx
Options are not displayed. How do I add them manually?
If you choose to not automatically add both options you have to add that options manually.
1. Disable automatic template edit in the Change threads/posts owner settings
2. Open the template FORUMDISPLAY.
Search for:
<option value="mergethread">$vbphrase[merge_threads]</option>
Add after it:
<option value="changethreadsowner">$vbphrase[changethreadsowner_link]</option>
3. Open the template SHOWTHREAD
Search for:
<option value="undeleteposts">$vbphrase[undelete_posts]</option>
Add after it:
<option value="changepostsowner">$vbphrase[changepostsowner_link]</option>
Running 3.6.8 Pl2 and had to follow the above instructions to manually add the options. It all showed up fine.
My test user (registered forum user - usergroup #2) was assigned moderator permissions and was able to successfully alter the thread author even though usergroup 6 was the only usergroup assigned permissions. Is there a way to prevent forum moderators from having the ability to change a threads author ... or have I bulllsed up somewhere?