Originally Posted by eglyntine
Hey Ted, I installed the upgrade that is supposed to check IP's so that a person can't just clear their cookies and continue to read. Initially I just upgraded and I was still able to clear cookies and keep reading. Then I uninstalled it completely and reinstalled and I'm still able to clear cookies and keep reading.
Is there something else I need to turn on that I'm missing?
vBulletin version: 3.7.4 P1
LGV version: 3.7 Upgrade
Website Address: http://www.houseofparents.com
Browser: FireFox 3.0.4
why totaly rely on cookies for the ip...as a typical ip can change, why not
use the actual hostname? I guess anyone could just as easy change an ip
as they are not constant...but how easy is it to avoid your hostname, other
then going over to a friends house, thus using another connection.
The IP Address is:
The host name is: 159-147-113-92.pool.ukrtel.net
Tomorrow this IP number may change, but the host name will not...vb uses
this in their ip tracking/banning options.
however, I am not 100% certain on how all this works...whoever is
working on this hack probably would have a better understanding
on what I am talking about and if it would work or not.