Originally Posted by Digital Jedi
I really don't see how that comment was necessary.
The point I was trying to make was the problem with drastic measures is you start impeding the experience of your users. My question is, if humans are registering to get past your NoSpam! verification, then what good is a NoSpam! on a forum by forum basis against those same humans?
This idea is not meant for human spammers, we all know that a bot is unlimited, and will continue to spam, spam spam then a human ever could...one issue at a time, bots can be stopped if you really want them to be, humans you just have to deal with. If i was a human spammer, I would rather let the bots do it, and they do not get tired, if I had to spam forums by myself, it would get old and boring rahter quickly, again its just a feature that the individual admin should have access too, it is up to them to use it or not...personally, I would rather have something to stop all the bots cold, because most forums are not human s, they are bots doing what the humans created them to do because they were to lazy to do it themselves... if you stop the bots, the spam war will slow down a great deal.