Originally Posted by OblivionMage
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/mmoqqcom/public_html/guidewiki/forums/includes/class_core.php on line 408
In pages with a lot of <item></item> links (takes longer the more there are until it gives that error). I tried about 450-500 tags to get that error.
Any ideas on how to optimize?
umm.. don't make a single post with 450-500 items ?
Each item is looked up in your local cache for the item ID (wowhead requires item ID to create the tooltip).
If it is not found, it will make a request to wowhead.com (example;
http://www.wowhead.com/?item=Netherweave&xml ) to get the XML data w/the item ID.
I cache most of the information in the XML for future use.
vbulletin then creates the item link that the wowheads power.js will process.
The largest time spent is the http request to wowhead.com. if each request took just 1/10th of a second, 450 requests would still take 45s or longer, since each request is sequential.