Originally Posted by xzibit
hello !
can you change this add-on too the new xbox experienc gamercard from maygamercard.net ?
this here
and you can make a new add on ?
with the news avatar ?
a avatar box ? with this
and soory for my bad english
To achieve this, Go to Edit Templates and go to memberinfo_block_gamercard.
In the template you'll see the following code:
<iframe src="http://gamercard.xbox.com/$userinfo[field10].card" frameborder="0" height="X" scrolling="no" width="X">$userinfo[field10]</iframe>
Your field numbers may be different, and I X'd out height and width because I had customized mine.
Just simply change the code to this:
<iframe src="http://card.mygamercard.net/nxe/$userinfo[field10].png" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height="120" width="245">$userinfo[field10]</iframe>
Just make sure to change the height and width to match your theme and you're good to go!
Want to see a working example?