Originally Posted by MediaHound
I run the old version on a 3.6.x board, and that old version of this mod does not give the addon on search results pages.
I like that this version brings the addon to appear in search results pages.
All I want is to get the addon on my search results pages, if I upgrade will it work? I see its for 3.7.x but perhaps will it work on 3.6? If not, any idea how to merely get it onto my search results pages? Thanks a lot!
No idea, as this has not been tested with v3.6.x (I do not have a v3.6.x test-board that has flashchat installed), but I would say not, due to the fact this will only work with the latest versions of mine and Paul M's hacks. You may want to think about upgrading your vBulletin version, as most hack authors are no longer updating/supporting their v3.6.x hacks (also Jelsoft has also stopped developing v3.6.x altogether, apart from issuing security fixes and it will be EOL'ed once v4.0 is released).