I am using vbAdvanced and when I go in and create a template it will make a global template and a copy for the parent template. If I edit the parent template the changes don't migrate through to the other children templates.
So I added a link in the control panel that I can use to modify the parent template that migrates through to the other children templates but when I go to modify the template using the link I get a message telling me that the template already exists and asks if I want to save the changes. I will save the changes but the parent template reverts back to the global template.
I am using:
where adv_portal_template9 is the title of the template that I am wanting to modify.
Is there a way to this via a link that will allow you to modify instead of add the template and it retains the changes to the global as well as the parent and the children templates? It gives me the same results whether I use dostyleid=-1 or dostyleid=5.