Dismounted- we have learned you were right on the money regarding the built in recaptcha feature as opposed to NoSpam for entry level 3.7.4 users. NoSpam may very well be the better option for earlier versions.
AME has been added however I'm not quite getting the hang of that. To a back burner with that.
We have some concerns regarding the FractalizeR: VBulletin Antivirus.
It won't be installed. Great concept and wonderful features though.
Are there any other hacks out there that are more stable that are capable of scanning attachments for viruses? OK to suggest one from a third party that charges a fee.
As far as dial-up users go, the only time they'd run into a problem is if they loaded a page with a video on it, and that's only if it's from a site that auto-loads large files. I've done 150+ definitions for various media sites, and I don't know of one yet that does that. Most video hosting sites accommodate for dial-up users, and you'd simply be embedding videos hosted on their servers. As a former dial-up user, I can testify to that.
Although I did not understand what you shared at the time, I do now. Good information.
editing to add-
We did not install vBCredits. After careful consideration, we decided it was too much too fast. Not that it wasn't a great suggestion, it would have put us into a tailspin figuring out what the heck to do with it. Definitely something to add down the road. All the others, save the FractalizeR: VBulletin Antivirus, have been installed plus the miserable users hack.