Originally Posted by powerful_rogue
I'll wait until you release the update then install and purchase the branding free licence.
Others have already mentioned the potential and I must admit the one thing that excites me is the possibility that you might be able to use this as a base to create a much needed and overdue pager system. A lot of people are still using vbpager from the 3.5 days which is no longer available due to a security risk, however still works nicely on 3.7.
A new pager system would clearly be a mod of the month contender and if a branding free option was added for $5/$10 I think there would be a lot of uptake.
robwoelich, is this something you may consider once you have ironed out the few remaining glitches?
I've actually never used vB Pager, but I'll look into it and see what it would involve. First I'd like to make sure that all of the bugs are worked out of this modification.

Let me know if there are any issues with v1.2 of this modification.
The problem with v1.1 was that the hidden divs were still loading the new PM form for every single post, or for a profile, or your members list, or show groups, and you can imagine loading between 1-20 new PM forms every page view. I don't want to imagine the queries that generated.

The update does not load any given new PM form until a link is actually clicked to send a PM.