He's basing if off the number of installs for mods for different versions. In other words, any of these could also account for the figures:
- Your latest version of the mod is slightly worse than the last one.
- Less people are using 3.8 because it's in beta.
- Less people are using 3.7
- People aren't modifying their forums as much as most features are built in.
- People are getting the modifications elsewhere
- More people learnt to program/code and are making their own modifications
- Less people are clicking the install button (like myself, I've probably only marked like 5 mods here as installed other than those I've actually released).
- People are still using the older version with the newer forum version.
- People clicked install then clicking uninstall without actually uninstalling the modification.
- People installed it and simply uninstalled it again for some reason.