Originally Posted by Lord Doys
i got it to work with vbWikiPro on vb 3.7.4 vbwiki_pro 1.3 with MW 1.13.2
used your solution replacing the text in arcane_vbulletin_core.php.
When you put $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of your localsettings.php it gives a stacktrace on what is wrong.
MediaWiki internal error.
Original exception: exception 'MWException' with message 'Detected bug in an extension! Hook vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.' in /srv/www/birthright.net/brwiki/includes/Hooks.php:137
so all i did was give the functions vbWiki_GetLocalURL_Hook and vbWiki_PersonalUrls_Hook which are both in vbwiki_hooks.php
and voila.. that did the job for me
see it working are http://www.birthright.net/brwiki/ind...pecial:Version
Can you tell us how you got it to work for non-experts, step-by-step?