WAY confusing for the front-user.
Two different navigation areas are thrown at you right off the bat, terribly placed advertisements, as a guest the forums don't even start until 1008 pixels down the page. My resolution is 1680 x 1050 and even I have to scroll to get to your forums.
The "notices" box doesn't stand out at all to me. It comes off as very unappealing, and the eyes skim right past it because it looks like yet another advertisement.
You do have a ton of forums, but they all seem active enough to keep around.
I suggest that you just get rid of the notice all together. People visiting know that they are not registered, and they can already see the stuff that your site features by browsing around. Especially if you rework your navigation to show off the features you offer better.
Also, lose the "quick registration" and the Chatbox. Even one of the first comments in the chatbox that I see contains a comment that says, " i wouldnt call this a chatting box since no one ever or barely TALKS!"
Get visitors and guests to notice what really drives your community -- Your forums. Let them sell themselves, they have the activity to do so.