Great mod. I would like a little bit help though.
I want to embed the mp3 using the [attach]xxx[/attach] tag so the users can only see the player and not the attach link.
I know that in our times it is hard to prevent the downloading, but it is exactly what I want.
Let me be more specific.
1. The user Create New Thread/post
2. The user upload the mp3 attachment. (now the url of the attachment is something like this:
3. The user uses copy/paste and paste the above url inside his post.
Then he select the url he just pasted and press the mp3 bbcode button.
The result is this:
I want the user to be able to follow the above if he want to "share for downloading" his mp3. Ok until now, everything is working great. The player appears and below it is the link to download the file.
If the user want just to put it in the post for other user to hear it only with the player, then, like in the [attach]XXXX[/attach] method, the attachment is placed between the text and the url in the end of the post disappears...!!! Thats what I want. I want a bbcode to be able to play the mp3 attachment using the below bbcode so the mp3 link "disappear" and only the flash player is available.
Here is what I want:
Could you help me with that?
How can I do it?