Originally Posted by Magnumutz
Like NAIZA suggested, you should implement an option to allow users to choose if they want the content of the notepad to be public or private. With the option set to "Private" by default.
If it was up to me, i'd keep mine private.
With 3.8 coming up soon, there will be privacy settings to allow disallow profiles - I am going to work on something based off of that. I will take this into consideration before then if I have time.
3.8 Profile Privacy
* With the appropriate permission, users can now configure which parts of their profile is visible, and to who. The configurable components are:
o Profile Picture
o Visitor Messages
o Contact Info
o Albums
o About Me
o Friends
o Recent Visitors
o Group Memberships
o Custom Field Blocks where the admin has allowed it
* The components can be configured to be visible to:
o Everyone
o Registered Members
o Contacts
o Friends
* Generally information is only hidden/displayed within the user profile page with the exception of Albums which also affects the ability to view the albums.
* Also, custom field blocks can be configured by the admin as to whether they will be included in users' privacy settings.