Note to skin translators.
I permit translations of this skin povided that the translated skin is linked to within this very thread once it is available, please make me aware of your translation personally with a link to the release thread so I can add a link to it in this post to make access to others easier.
Thank you.
Skin History:
Version 1.1: Correction of typo in skin name (had a braindead moment

Version 1.2: Bug fixes, corrected a few instances of .gif calls to .png calls (nice one albibak for your keen spotting there

Version 1.3 B2 - Restructure of footer template to accommodate language chooser.
(Skin was missing sub-forum png's, I'm adding them here, the download now contains them but I have not incremented the skin version, if I keep incrementing versions for such minor things it could get really silly!)
Version 1.4 B2 - Correction of merged background colours for several graphics throughout skin, included missing table footer graphic.
Updated to 3.8.0 BETA3
Older versions removed)
Thanks button, see attachments!
I have more DARK skins available to members of my vB38Skin site, but my efforts are concentrated on Gothic/Horror/Occultism based skins on my site. I'm not so sure these will be wanted here so I wont post the Darker skins on this site, all my skins are FREE, this wont change. I could do with some people signing up to download the skins available on my own site to do testing of them if nothing else.