Originally Posted by bjkinzluvr
1) I can't find where to set permissions??
2) I have no link on the nav bar. I've read all the other posts about this, but cannot find the solution. I am familiar with how to add links to the nav bar, but cannot figure this one out. Sorry. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
From post #8:
Where do I find "Set the userrights" ?
What is the template_hook code? And does it go in advent_calendar template or navbar? I would assume navbar, but lost on this. Thanks.
Also: these two files are found in the "images" folder so that is where they now reside on my server "images/advent": advent.htm and adventsnow.jg. But those are not image files. Should they really be in the images folder?
Sory for so many questions, but I need help.  Thanks.
1.) Usergroups
2.) The link only appears (in the Navbar) if one of those permissions is set to YES
The "test advent calendar" is for testing (the link will shown in the navbar directly)
"use the advent calendar": the Link is only avaible in december
template_hook: It's a hook inside a template (you can use it to insert html inside a template without modification)
Yes, you really need to upload both files (see my strucure)