1) I can't find where to set permissions??
2) I have no link on the nav bar. I've read all the other posts about this, but cannot find the solution. I am familiar with how to add links to the nav bar, but cannot figure this one out. Sorry. Would appreciate any help. Thanks.
From post #8:
Set the userrights (enable: can test calendar). If so, check your template (navbar), maybe there's the template_hook missing.
Where do I find "Set the userrights" ?
What is the template_hook code? And does it go in advent_calendar template or navbar? I would assume navbar, but lost on this. Thanks.
Also: these two files are found in the "images" folder so that is where they now reside on my server "images/advent": advent.htm and adventsnow.jg. But those are not image files. Should they really be in the images folder?
Sory for so many questions, but I need help.
