Nice mod! I think this will meet our desires with a small tweak.
I'm not overly familar with vB mods programming yet and I've been poking around the files, but I'm not sure if I can even get this info..
Basically I would like to remove the box below each post (postbit_end I guess is where it hooks) that has been thanked and instead have something in the user info (postbit_userinfo_right_after_posts hook maybe), and not a list of users but a count of thanks instead.
Easy to do maybe with a simple template modification and a phrase (not sure how phrases work yet)? Or would I have to modify the code of the add-on itself?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: In the icon and title area would be better I think (for postbit legacy), there's no hook there though. Does that mean I couldn't do it, or just mean that I would have to modify my template?