I've been using a customized Recent Topics on non vb pages mod and I have a question... I'd like to shorten the title displayed... I've including the file most likely needed to be edited..
Any help is appreciated...
PHP Code:
* VB Recent Topics - main object
* @author George Gonzalez <webmaster@socaltrailriders.org>
* @version 2.0
* @package Recent_Topics
* @link https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=134320
* Main recent topics object
* @package Recent_Topics
class recent_topics
var $db;
var $from;
var $forums = array();
var $quantity = 10;
var $pfxs;
var $usepfxs;
var $prefixes;
var $data = array();
var $time_format = 'g:i A';
var $thread_by_post_date;
* This constructor will setup the database, parse options, and grab the data
* @param array $options Options package with things like forums to include/exclude,
* quantity of recent topics to return, etc.
* @return void
public function __construct($options)
if (!register::exists('db_host')) {
trigger_error('Recent topics: Check database settings.', E_USER_ERROR);
$this->db = mysql_connect(register::get('db_host'), register::get('db_user'), register::get('db_password'));
if (!$this->db) {
trigger_error('Recent topics: Cannot connect to the database. Check your database settings in config.php.', E_USER_ERROR);
$result = mysql_select_db(register::get('db_name'), $this->db);
if (!$result) {
trigger_error('Recent topics: Cannot select the database. Check the database options in config.php.', E_USER_ERROR);
* Parse Options
* @param array $options The options package consisting of exclude_from, include_from,
* quantity, and time_format. all of those are optional
private function parseOptions($options)
if (!empty($options['include_from']) && !empty($options['exclude_form'])) {
trigger_error('Recent topics: Can only include or exclude, not both.', E_USER_ERROR);
// include these forums...
if (!empty($options['include_from'])) {
$this->from = 'INCLUDE';
// exclude these forums . . .
elseif (!empty($options['exclude_from'])) {
$this->from = 'EXCLUDE';
else {
$this->from = 'ALL';
if (!isset($options['quantity']) || empty($options['quantity'])) {
// do nothing (uses the default value)
elseif (intval($options['quantity']) == $options['quantity'] ) {
$this->quantity = $options['quantity'];
else {
trigger_error('Recent topics: Check the quantity option.', E_USER_ERROR);
if (isset($options['time_format']) && !empty($options['time_format'])) {
$this->time_format = $options['time_format'];
// include these prefixes...
if (!empty($options['include_prefix'])) {
$this->usepfxs = explode(',', $options['include_prefix']);
$this->pfxs = 'INCLUDE';
// exclude these prefixes . . .
elseif (!empty($options['exclude_prefix'])) {
$this->usepfxs = explode(',', $options['exclude_prefix']);
$this->pfxs = 'EXCLUDE';
else {
$this->pfxs = 'ALL';
if (!empty($options['thread_by_post_date']) && $options['thread_by_post_date'] == true) {
$this->thread_by_post_date = true;
* Extracts forums from comma seperated list into an array and puts it into a
* class property
* @param string $forums_csv The comma seperated forum ID list
private function extract_forums($forums_csv)
$forums_csv = str_replace(' ', '', $forums_csv);
$this->forums = explode(',', $forums_csv);
* Gets the actual topics data from the database and populates the $this->data property
public function getData()
$pre = register::get('db_table_prefix');
$url = register::get('forum_url');
$url = str_ireplace('http://', '', $url);
case 'INCLUDE':
$forums = 'AND t.forumid IN ('.implode(', ', $this->forums).')';
case 'EXCLUDE':
$forums = 'AND t.forumid NOT IN ('.implode(', ', $this->forums).')';
$forums = '';
case 'INCLUDE':
$usepfxs = 'AND t.prefixid IN (\''.implode('\', \'', $this->usepfxs).'\')';
case 'EXCLUDE':
$usepfxs = 'AND t.prefixid NOT IN (\''.implode('\', \'', $this->usepfxs).'\')';
$usepfxs = '';
$tt_thumbsforums = array(102,103,104,131);
$tt_displaythumbs = false;
if (count(array_intersect($this->forums, $tt_thumbsforums))) {
$thumbs = array();
$tt_displaythumbs = true;
$q = "
SELECT t.threadid,
a.thumbnail_filesize AS thumbsize , MIN(a.attachmentid) AS attachmentid
FROM {$pre}thread t
LEFT JOIN {$pre}attachment a
ON a.postid = t.firstpostid
WHERE t.forumid IN (".implode(',', $tt_thumbsforums).")
AND a.extension IN('jpg','gif','png')
GROUP BY t.threadid
$results = mysql_query($q, $this->db);
if(!$results) { print "(".mysql_error().") with query $q"; }
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$thumbs[$row[0]] = $row;
$ordercolumn = "t.lastpost";
if($thread_by_start_date) {
$ordercolumn = "startdate";
$q = "
SELECT t.threadid, t.title, t.lastpost, t.lastposter, t.forumid, t.lastpostid, t.prefixid,
f.title_clean, t.dateline AS startdate,
p.pagetext AS preview
FROM {$pre}thread t
INNER JOIN {$pre}forum f
ON (f.forumid = t.forumid)
INNER JOIN {$pre}post p
ON (t.firstpostid = p.postid)
WHERE t.visible = '1'
AND t.open = '1'
ORDER BY t.lastpost desc
LIMIT {$this->quantity}
$results = mysql_query($q, $this->db);
if(!$results) { print "(".mysql_error().") with query $q"; }
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
if($thumbs[$row['threadid']]) {
$row = array_merge($row, $thumbs[$row['threadid']]);
$row['preview'] = $this->strip_quotes($row['preview']);
$row['preview'] = htmlspecialchars(substr($this->strip_bbcode($row['preview'], false, true), 0, 200));
$phrasenames[$row['prefixid']] = mysql_escape_string("prefix_{$row['prefixid']}_title_plain");
$row['last_post_time'] = date($this->time_format, $row['lastpost']);
$row['url'] = 'http://'.$url.'showthread.php?t='.$row['threadid'];
$row['url_last'] = 'http://'.$url.'showthread.php?p='.$row['lastpostid'].'#post'.$row['lastpostid'];
$row['startdate'] = date('m-d-Y h:i A', $row['startdate']);
$this->data[$row['threadid']] = $row;
$q = "
SELECT varname, text
FROM {$pre}phrase
WHERE varname IN ('".implode("','", $phrasenames)."')
$results = mysql_query($q, $this->db);
if(!$results) { print "(".mysql_error().") with query $q"; }
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($results)) {
$this->prefixes[$row['varname']] = $row;
* Gets the raw data array
* @return array|boolean The data array or false if there is none
public function get_array()
return (!empty($this->data)) ? $this->data : false;
* Gets an HTML table of the recent topics
* @return string HTML table of the recent topics
public function get_html_table()
$html = "\n\n".' <table id="recent_topics">
<th>Last Poster</th>
foreach($this->data as $topic) {
$html .= ' <tr>
<td><a href="'.$topic['url'].'">'.$topic['title'].'</a></td>
<td><a href="'.$topic['url_last'].'">'.$topic['last_post_time'].'</a></td>
$html .= '</tbody>
return $html;
* Gets an HTML list of the recent topics
* @return string HTML list of the recent topics
public function get_html_list_ec()
$html = "\n\n".'<div class="links">';
foreach($this->data as $topic) {
if($this->prefixes["prefix_{$topic['prefixid']}_title_plain"]) {
$topic['prefix'] = $this->prefixes["prefix_{$topic['prefixid']}_title_plain"]['text'];
if($topic['attachmentid'] && $topic['thumbsize']) {
$topic['thumbnail'] = '<a href="'.$topic['url'].'"><img src="http://www.fatboymagazine.com/attachment.php?attachmentid='.$topic['attachmentid'].'&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="'.$topic['prefix'].'-'.$topic['title'].'" title="'.$topic['prefix'].' - '.$topic['title'].'" border="0"/></a>';
$html .= '
<div style="display:block;border: solid 2px #CCCCCC;width:96px;height:99px;overflow:hidden;float:left;">
$html .= '</div>'."\n";
return $html;
* General Discussions HTML OUTPUT
* Gets an HTML list of the recent topics
* @return string HTML list of the recent topics
public function get_html_list_gd()
$html = "\n\n".' <div class="links"><ul>';
foreach($this->data as $topic) {
if($this->prefixes["prefix_{$topic['prefixid']}_title_plain"]) {
$topic['prefix'] = $this->prefixes["prefix_{$topic['prefixid']}_title_plain"]['text'];
if($topic['attachmentid'] && $topic['thumbsize']) {
$topic['thumbnail'] = '<a href="'.$topic['url'].'"><img src="http://www.fatboymagazine.com/attachment.php?attachmentid='.$topic['attachmentid'].'&stc=1&thumb=1" alt="'.$topic['prefix'].'-'.$topic['title'].'" title="'.$topic['prefix'].' - '.$topic['title'].' - " border="0"/></a>';
$html .= '<li><a href="'.$topic['url'].'" title="'.$topic['prefix'].' - '.$topic['title'].'">'.$topic['title'].'</a></li>';
$html .= '</ul></div>'."\n";
return $html;
* Directly echos an HTML table of the recent topics
public function display_html_table()
echo $this->get_html_table();
* Directly echos an HTML list of the recent topics
public function display_html_list_ec()
echo $this->get_html_list_ec();
public function display_html_list_gd()
echo $this->get_html_list_gd();
* Closes down the database connection
public function __destruct()
// #############################################################################
* Strips away bbcode from a given string, leaving plain text
* @param string Text to be stripped of bbcode tags
* @param boolean If true, strip away quote tags AND their contents
* @param boolean If true, use the fast-and-dirty method rather than the shiny and nice method
* @return string
public function strip_bbcode($message, $stripquotes = false, $fast_and_dirty = false, $showlinks = true)
$find = array();
$replace = array();
if ($stripquotes)
// [quote=username] and [quote]
$message = strip_quotes($message);
// a really quick and rather nasty way of removing vbcode
if ($fast_and_dirty)
// any old thing in square brackets
$find[] = '#\[.*/?\]#siU';
$replace[] = '';
$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);
// the preferable way to remove vbcode
// simple links
$find[] = '#\[(email|url)=("??)(.+)\\2\]\\3\[/\\1\]#siU';
$replace[] = '\3';
// named links
$find[] = '#\[(email|url)=("??)(.+)\\2\](.+)\[/\\1\]#siU';
$replace[] = ($showlinks ? '\4 (\3)' : '\4');
// replace links (and quotes if specified) from message
$message = preg_replace($find, $replace, $message);
// strip out all other instances of [x]...[/x]
while(preg_match_all('#\[(\w+?)(?>[^\]]*?)\](.*)(\[/\1\])#siU', $message, $regs))
foreach($regs[0] AS $key => $val)
$message = str_replace($val, $regs[2]["$key"], $message);
$message = str_replace('[*]', ' ', $message);
return trim($message);
// #############################################################################
* Strips away [quote] tags and their contents from the specified string
* @param string Text to be stripped of quote tags
* @return string
public function strip_quotes($text)
$lowertext = strtolower($text);
// find all [quote tags
$start_pos = array();
$curpos = 0;
$pos = strpos($lowertext, '[quote', $curpos);
if ($pos !== false AND ($lowertext[$pos + 6] == '=' OR $lowertext[$pos + 6] == ']'))
$start_pos["$pos"] = 'start';
$curpos = $pos + 6;
while ($pos !== false);
if (sizeof($start_pos) == 0)
return $text;
// find all [/quote] tags
$end_pos = array();
$curpos = 0;
$pos = strpos($lowertext, '[/quote]', $curpos);
if ($pos !== false)
$end_pos["$pos"] = 'end';
$curpos = $pos + 8;
while ($pos !== false);
if (sizeof($end_pos) == 0)
return $text;
// merge them together and sort based on position in string
$pos_list = $start_pos + $end_pos;
// build a stack that represents when a quote tag is opened
// and add non-quote text to the new string
$stack = array();
$newtext = '';
$substr_pos = 0;
foreach ($pos_list AS $pos => $type)
$stacksize = sizeof($stack);
if ($type == 'start')
// empty stack, so add from the last close tag or the beginning of the string
if ($stacksize == 0)
$newtext .= substr($text, $substr_pos, $pos - $substr_pos);
array_push($stack, $pos);
// pop off the latest opened tag
if ($stacksize)
$substr_pos = $pos + 8;
// add any trailing text
$newtext .= substr($text, $substr_pos);
// check to see if there's a stack remaining, remove those points
// as key points, and repeat. Allows emulation of a non-greedy-type
// recursion.
if ($stack)
foreach ($stack AS $pos)
while ($stack);
return $newtext;