Hey, I installed it in my Vbulletin 3.7.4 and it works. I used only the thumbnail in posts function and not the search and tags options that mentioned in this thread. (***Installed and Nominated ***)
I wonder if we could find a way to make the plugin to search a little bit further into the posts of a thread and
a) find an image thumb to use (deeper in the trhead) automatically If the first posts don't have any images.
b) If the administrator (or in general we could have permissions for usergroups for yes/no to the thread-starters) is not happy with the automatic result, then he could be able to set what image the admin like through the image attachments of every posts in a thread (choose what he want by choosing the apropriate image attachment or even attach an external image). :-)
Also..., because I have a forum for art (3D Modeling) and what I am searching for is a plugin that can do the below:
1. Admin should be able to "Special Rate a thread" (or better choose it via normal thread selection) and put it to an Thread Archive Spotlight that can be found in the forumhome.(something like the Recent album pics on forum home plugin, but instead of albums pics, I want to have threads and a thread thumbnail and when someone click the thumbnail, the forum should land him to the appropriate thread...!!!
2. If someone press the Archive link/button to the forum home (it should be one there for this kind of plugin), then, all the spotlighted threads history should appear as thumbnail board with titles above (or without titles), with several pages (for example we could have table of thumbnails of 5 Horizontal X 10 Vertical Thumbnails and number of pages...!!!)
I am willing to pay for this kind of plugin for the thread Archive Spotlight. If everyone knows something I would like to hear it (PM me):-)