I am getting this error at the header when I view a PM from the Bot:
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in [path]/private.php on line 1523
Here are my user defined variables (I have edited out the domain for security) :
PHP Code:
// Start of user defined variables
$trash = '37'; //Forum id of trash
$botid = '355'; //Userid of bot
$botname = 'LinkChecker Bot'; //Username of bot
$check = '`forumid` = 2 OR `forumid` = 3 OR `forumid` = 4 OR `forumid` = 5 OR `forumid` = 9 OR `forumid` = 21 OR `forumid` = 10'; //Forums to check
$pa = '
Links checked on ' . date('d/m/y'). ' by LinkChecker Bot'; //This will append this at the end of the checked post
$ppa = '<br /> Links checked on ' . date('d/m/y'). ' by LinkChecker Bot'; //VB uses a caching technique, this will append it to end of parsed post. This is HTML!
$perd = '75'; //Percent decision variable.
$tr = "More than $perd percent on the links are dead that is why the topic is moved to trash"; // This is the reply in the topic.
$pmt = 'Dead Links Removed !'; // PM Title
$reportforumid = '19'; //This is where bot will make new topics stating reports
$showurl = 'http://*******.com/showthread.php?t='; //Your URL
//Check Line 226 to edit PM message.
//End of user defined variables.
The bot is a member with ID: 355 however, when I go to view his profile, I can see it no problem. However, when I click his user name under one of his moved threads, it says:
This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.
I think this may be a code error ???? Someone please help !!!! lol