Originally Posted by stlcard_25
Sorry I didn't get back to this before...are you saying that the "admincp" folder goes in the "admincp" in my forum directory, the "images" in "images" and "includes" in "includes"? Forgive me...I'm very clueless when it comes to this.  I had assumed that you needed to put the entire forums folder into the forum directory as a whole.
No, just the forums folder's contents go into your forums directory. The reason your seeing an
admincp folder, an
images folder and an
includes folder in the upload folder is because that's the way your forums is structured. In other words, everything in the upload folder is structured the exact same way it would be on your forums. So you only upload everything in one fell swoop.
Just think of it this way, if the
contents of a folder say:
Then you need to add those contents to the folder on your server that says the same thing:
That way everything goes where it's supposed to.
Originally Posted by mikewastaken
does anyone know if this supports break.com or collegehumour.com videos?
and if so, how to properly embed them?
Look for the Add-On link at the bottom of the first post.
Originally Posted by Rickways
Sorry for my english but i'm french.
I have on my website a lot of mp3 create by the members.
I'd like to automatticaly embed them with dewplayer (a flah player mp3)
It is possible ?
How to do this ?
The dewplayer use code like this:
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dewplayer.swf?mp3=test.mp3" width="200" height="20">
<param name="movie" value="dewplayer.swf?mp3=test.mp3" />
And my mp3 is located in http://www.lespoetes.net/mp3poesielibre/xxx.mp3
Thanks for help
Look for the Add-On at the bottom of the first post and then look for the Local Hosted definitions for MP3s.