Originally Posted by Brad
Yes because it isn't just me living in the backwoods...it's a large part of the population in the USA. I know all you see on TV over there are cities like LA and NYC but that is not where a large part of the population here lives. Many people in the states (even many of the people that work in large cities) live outside of them simply because the cost of living is not as high in the country. I personally did not make the choice to live where I live now...my family owns a farm and I'm still trying to figure out how to raise enough money to move the hell away from it.
It basically comes down to this; If we paid as much for gas as you guys do people simply couldn't afford to make the trip to work and back everyday. Hell we're having a hard enough time doing that as is and most of us can't even save a little on the side by using an alternative transportation method. No bus, too far to use a bike for anything, hell we don't even have Vans to haul the old people around anymore.
As far as my attitude is concerned I tell it how it is, if you take offense to that it's your problem. If I had an issue with you on a personal level I'd make it very clear to you and everyone else. Don't jump to conclusions and assume I'm ill just because I disagree with you on certain issues.
well i disagree - just cause u live in outbacks dont mean u should get it cheaper.We have places in the Uk where people live a long way from any shops/garages,but when they find one they still have to pay the same price as everyone else.
End of day you lot are paying a lot less for your fuel than us over here so consider yourself very lucky indeed and even luckier cause you dont live in RIP OFF BRITAIN.