Well, got this all installed and working yesterday, now suddenly we're having problems.
Using the slideshow, we have 4 banner ads that we've added. Yesterday, having more than 1 ad in the slideshow worked fine. Now today, only 1 at a time will work, once I add in more, nothing shows up. And some of them don't show up if I put them in by themselves. This is what I'm using in slideshow:
slideshowcontent[0]=["http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i299/Ryansmom33/Store/abbisgarden.gif", "http://www.hyenacart.com/addisgarden", "_new"]
slideshowcontent[1]=["http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h261/DanaErin79/bows/BannerAd.gif", "http://hyenacart.com/BeaucoupBows/index.php?viewall=1", "new"]
slideshowcontent[2]=["http://i168.photobucket.com/albums/u199/gpsings/happysack1.gif", "www.hyenacart.com/happybabyhappyme", "new"]slideshowcontent[3]=["http://i107.photobucket.com/albums/m307/burghbabygear/BBG_book_banner.gif width="460" height="60", "http://hyenacart.com/BurghBabyGear/i...hp?c=0&p=71703", "_new"]
My other problem is that when I attempted to put a banner ad under the navbar, I got what looks like a background picture of a gator & info on hosting. Hostgator is our host server, but I'm confused how that got on as a background image (it was not the banner I entered).