Originally Posted by prelude99_vtec
this problem fixed -- thanks!
I have another question, hopefully, this will be my last one :-)
A problem occur, am not sure whether it's bug or because I set it wrong in some section, but almost everyday, there will be random member have credit increase tremendously (and this could be an active or inactive member). I have to manually reset it back in the user option from ACP. Can you help? Again, thanks for all your support.
How much tremendously? did you enable unlimited access of the post award system to your regular members?
Originally Posted by klaja26
Is there anyway to show the total amount of credits earnt on the site. Id prefer it count the total number of points earnt all together and disregard any credits spent or taken away but if it can only count how many credits there currently are on the site then thats fine as well.
No :-/ if you enable the display of credits in your memberlist settings, you can see a column of credits for all users that way (plus with sorting
