Originally Posted by CR_TurboGuy
I'm having an issue w/ this skin in that every link ends up on it's own line. I'm trying to modify the search results a bit to give me some functionality that I have w/ one of the other mobile skins. W/ that skin, I get a link to the thread, the number of posts in it in parentheses, then if there are multiple pages, it creates a link to each page. Works great on the mobile skin b/c that all ends up on one line. When I try doing the same thing in the iPhone skin, I end up w/ each page link on it's own line & it's a) annoying, and b) ugly. Any ideas?
class="inline" was missing here:
<template name="threadbit" templatetype="template" date="1219459646" username="CR Turbo Guy" version="3.7.1"><![CDATA[<li class="inline">
line 4825 or so...