Okay, so it's been a while since I've been a truly active member of the org community, so I thought I'd make an early (or late, depending on your perspective.. or even on time if you follow the Pagan system of Halloween/Samhain being hte celtic New Year) New Year's Resolution of being more active and decided to kick it off with style.... or maybe a ban *scratches head* it's hard to say at this moment in time
So, right.. where was I? Yeah, something that's bugged me for ages.. I mean, seriously, every time I pop on here and it catches my eye, I start hearing voices in my head whispering, but that could just be the medication easing off........
I'm really curious if I'm the only one who sees this, so feedback would be most appreciated......
So yeah, is it just me or does anyone else thinks Princeton looks like a young Patrick Swayze?
*slinks back under stone*